Office 365 updates to make your life easier

In the software industry, continuous improvement is the name of the customer retention game. The behemoth Microsoft constantly churns out Office 365 enhancements, many of which are powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Here are some of the new and upcoming ones most likely to be useful in your business.

6 productivity hacks for Office 365

This post contains some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Office 365 subscription. We’ll also share some of the options you can take advantage of when migrating your system to the cloud, including how to streamline the entire process based on your business needs.

Avoid data loss in Office 365

Microsoft understands the value of business data and the costly repercussions of losing it. That’s why they’ve released a slew of security and compliance tools for Office 365 subscribers. But given the increasing sophistication and frequency of data breaches, these cloud security solutions aren’t enough to protect your files.

Office 365 stops billions of phishing emails

Sending phishing emails is the most common method hackers use to distribute malware and steal information. In fact, there are billions of phishing emails sent every year, and millions of people keep falling for them. However, if you’re subscribed to Office 365 there’s a good chance that you won’t see harmful messages in your inbox, and here’s why.

Reasons to become an Office Insider

With Office Insider, subscribers have the privilege of viewing and testing new Office 365 features before other users. This insider feature targets tech-savvy business owners who want to get ahead of the competition and take their software game to the next level.

Storage showdown: OneDrive vs SharePoint

Both SharePoint and OneDrive help business owners manage and share data. But selecting the best platform can be difficult and give anyone a big headache. For instant relief, here’s a quick reference to help you choose wisely.

Looking for a secure platform to manage your files? Where do you go for help? Should you choose SharePoint or settle for OneDrive instead? If any of those terms sound Greek to you, don’t worry.

MyAnalytics: O365’s productivity coach

Installing software that immediately boosts employee efficiency is any small- or medium-sized business owner’s dream. With Office 365’s dashboard, that’s exactly what you’re getting. And best of all, it’s directly integrated with your existing productivity suite.

Master Microsoft Excel with these 3 tips

Digital literacy is all about mastering essential computer skills like navigating search engines and word processors. But one of the most crucial you need to learn is Excel. Check out these tips to be an Excel master.
Pie and Sunburst Charts
Everyone knows that bombarding stakeholders with endless numbers and decimal points is the wrong approach.

Watch out for this persuasive phishing email

Anglers catch fish by dangling bait in front of their victims, and hackers use the same strategy to trick your employees. There’s a new phishing scam making the rounds and the digital bait is almost impossible to distinguish from the real thing. Here are the three things to watch out for in Office 365 scams.